Friday, September 7, 2012

First post

I am Stephen Cole and this is my blog for Computer Graphics.

1. I have a decent amount of experience with computers. In high school (Camden County Technical School) my class was Information Technology.

2. I have a little experience with Photoshop from high school and even less experience with Illustrator.

3. I took this class because it is a requirement for Game Design.

4. I don't really have a favorite artist but if I had to pick someone I would have to say this guy from Wildwood who used spray paint and other small things to create amazing art right before my eyes in the matter of minutes. Unfortunately I cannot remember his name.

5. My favorite game designer would have to be Valve.

6. I have been gaming almost my whole life and because of a small game design class in high school, I decided to take it farther and make something out of it.

7. I have three computers and two laptops at home along with a few libraries in the area.

8. In my Junior year of high school i wrote a small story based on a game/project that we were playing in class. The project played out kind of like risk, only a more complex version. Unfortunately my team died early on so I stopped writing the story but what I had so far seemed pretty good. Anyway, it was about a small country who stumbled upon and ancient entity that gave them power they never thought possible. It's very interesting and I would like to continue it one day.This is the car I want.

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